I rarely editorialize on this blog, but something is bothering me so much that I felt compelled to share that botheration with the world. There is an irritating practice going on right now on the highways at night (and sometimes during the day): people, especially people in trucks, leaving their high beams on ALL THE TIME.
This practice, as I said, is especially prevalent in people driving trucks. Now, as we all know, trucks are mainly driven by persons of rural derivation, persons who revel in the feel of dirt between their fingers. People who listen to Country music. Now, it was my understanding that these are the same people who are so concerned with "family values" and traditional beliefs about respect for your fellow man and all that shit. However, they show no respect when they leave their bright headlights on all the time.
My theory is that it's some kind of protest, some kind of assertion of their manhood. The reason I think this is because of a related trend: they add lights to the truck below the original ones that come on when the top ones are dimmed. That way, if they do switch to low beams, the effect is negated. It's like they believe that dimming their lights is akin to bowing down to another person. That's what it is really. It's a pride thing. It also shows just how stupid rednecks are.