Nine Figs in the Flapjack ch.5, p.20

Provide Me No More Moctuary Details of His Grapefruit-Inspired Comic Book
            “The main character is a grapefruit farmer in Florida who refuses to market his crop through the Citrus Growers’ Association,” Chris explained to his former geometry teacher.  “His farm’s mascot is a caricature of the farmer himself named King River Fruit who…” he stopped talking, noticing the interest Mr. Perpendicular was taking in the carefully arranged display of papier maché scorpion statues in the corner beneath the collection of photographs of Julio Cortázar.
            Mr. Perpendicular remembered his early days of teaching, a time when coffee had been his greatest nemesis.  Soon a flaming chariot drawn by flying horses would descend from the sky and bear him aloft, into eternal communion with the source of his existence.
