Page 137

The Insects Like to Feed on Wolf Feces

            The way the old naturalist Edwin Morang explained it, the wolves, in turn, seasonally fed on insect feces.
            “However,” he chuckled over his pewter stein of mead, “Not the same species of insect which feeds on the wolf feces.  That’s significant,” he continued, “Because if it was, then what we call the ‘cycle of life’ would be recapitulated in a narrowly localized microcosm.  As is,” he sighed, swirling the last swallow’s worth of mead around preparatory to putting it where it would do the most good, “It’s merely another example of bugs eating shit.”  He tipped the stein up over his beard and downed its contents.  As he did so, Lucas was surprised to see that the bottom of the stein was transparent, probably made of durable plexiglass.   Lucas, a younger man wearing a pullover bearing a stylized picture of a poppy seed pod, pondered the possible reason for the difference in materials, but his speculations led him to the wrong conclusion. 
            “Excuse me, Mr. Morang,” Helena interjected.
            “Dr. Morang,” Prosore the Kantiges Gesicht, sitting at the west end of the table, corrected her.
            Helena glanced like a would-be saint at the metal man before continuing.  “Dr. Morang, shouldn’t you have said, ‘because if it were then the cycle of life’ and so forth?” She rolled her hand to punctuate her paraphrase.
            “No,” the old naturalist (who looked like Ben Kingsley in costume for his role in The Old Naturalist) shook his head in dismissive deliberation.
            The robot later reported this as “deliberate dismissal.”
