Nine Figs in the Flapjack ch.6, p.10

Promulgate the Abstraction as an Interesting City Relief
            Masterson’s first job as a temp was passing out flyers on Akai Street.  He had a cold, it was raining, and he felt as miserable as he ever had in his life, perhaps worse.    
            “I’ve reached rock bottom,” he thought, pushing one of his flyers into the chest of a passerby.
            “At least in the darkest days of my childhood I didn’t have an adult’s wider awareness of just what a rotten position I’m in.”
            “Masterson?” a voice horrified him.  Who had recognized him?  “What are these you’re passing out?”
            It was OK.  It was just Mr. Bad Teeth, a neighbor whose life was not much better than his own.
            Masterson glanced at the bundle of papers.
            “I have no idea,” he admitted.
