Nine Figs in the Flapjack ch.6, p.19

Teal Speed Glauben Sie Das?
            Arapahoo sat in the chair provided by the department store and watched his wife try on one dress after another.
            “What color is that?” he asked, wishing he had a magazine.
            “This?  This is teal.”
            Arapahoo raised his eyebrows.
            “So that’s teal.  Hmm.”  He nodded thoughtfully, rubbing his chin and imagining the magazine he would read.
            On the way home Arapahoo pedaled the bike while his wife stood in the basket, her tiny hands clutching a radish.  All of these elements were reflected in the graphic design of the magazine, while the text was exemplary of absurdist contrast, consisting mainly of first-person narratives of grizzly bear attacks.
